ISSN 2039-1676

2 novembre 2017 |

Gender based violence in the context of transitional justice: an overview on criminal justice and truth seeking processes in Argentina and Guatemala

Contributo pubblicato nel Fascicolo 11/2017

Il presente contributo è stato sottoposto in forma anonima, con esito favorevole, alla valutazione di un revisore esperto.


SUMMARY: 1. Introduction. – 2. An historical perspective on Argentina and Guatemala. – 2.1. Argentina and the dirty war (1976-1982). – 2.2. Guatemala and the internal armed conflict (1962-1996). – 3. Argentina and Guatemala: Criminal Prosecutions and Truth Commissions dealing with sexual violence. – 3.1. Gender and criminal prosecutions in Argentina. – 3.2. The Commission’s collection of testimonies and women experiences. – 3.3. Gender and the work of the truth commissions in Guatemala. – 3.4. Gender and criminal prosecutions in Guatemala. – 4. Conclusions.